Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.6, pp.93-104, 2011-03-31

This report examines aspects of social activities based on the name of "gender identity disorder," which have recently become known. The terminology "gender identity disorder" describes those people trying to live as a different sex from which they were born; they showsome aspects of sex conflicted between biological and social genders. Issues of labor trouble those people most. In the current Japanese labor market, there are problems regarding the exclusion of people marked as "gender identity disorder"- only those who agree that theirbiological gender matches their social gender can become regular and dispatched workers. In order to solve these issues, there has been a social movement that requires the central and the local governments to make a settlement. This activity allows the intervention of the health system in gender, since it is conducted under the name of the medical discourse of "gender identity disorder." Such interference has been criticized for its attempts to control the diversity of sexuality. This study utilizes previous studies criticizing medical intervention in gender and controlof sex. In particular, it reports that although they take the course of accepting control of sex, social activities bearing the name of "gender identity disorder" aim at more diverse sexualities than existing systems. It claims that social activities do not naively medicalize or control acertain sex but rather paint a picture of the society which approves of sexual diversity by placing "gender identity disorder" in the field of policies aspiring for equality in both sexes. This report will to show some cases that demonstrate how the control and the medicalizationof sex do not simply enhance control of sex.
川坂 和義 カワサカ カズヨシ
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU
vol.8, pp.5-28, 2013-03-31

This paper examines the mainstreaming of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,and Transgender/sexual) rights in North American and European countriesin recent years, and its international effects. This paper analyzes the rhetoricof President Obama's LGBT Pride month declaration and the discourses ofthe Internet news media reporting about the LGBT pride month receptionat the US embassy in Tokyo. It argues that LGBT human rights contributes torepresentations of U.S. superiority as the advanced, liberated country andalso points out that such representations of U.S. superiority subtly obscurethe inequality and other human rights issues that the Obama administrationfaces. Further, this paper examines the arguments of "homonationalism" byJasbir Puar, which is one of the most influential theoretical works in queerstudies today and points out one of the weaknesses of her arguments: thedualism between the "West" and "Islam/other," especially when sheconceptualizes a narrative of "U.S. sexual exceptionalism." This paper notesthat her concept of "U.S. sexual exceptionalism," which stresses the dualismbetween "the West" and "Islam/Other," cannot properly analyze thecharacteristics of the Obama administration's narrative for LGBT rightsespecially as expressed in Secretary Clinton's groundbreaking speech, "gayrights are human rights" at Geneva. In her speech, Secretary Clintonaccented improvements of LGBT rights issues of "third countries" for globalsexual politics which are neither "the West" nor the countries officiallyagainst LGBT rights, but have been changing their social systems as "theWest" have done already. Finally, this paper concludes by pointing out thatthe US-centric LGBT rights rhetoric has begun influencing Japanese societyas well. The ideas of the US-centric LGBT politics and human rights havebeen introduced as normative standards in society, especially by the massmedia which had rarely paid attention to LGBT issues in Japan before. Thenormalization of LGBT rights can cause politically problematicrepresentations of LGBT rights as merely the "Americanization of Japanesesociety" and ignore the context of Japanese society and history of LGBTactivism in Japan.
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.4, pp.39-60, 2009-03-31

This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of contemporary sexuality studies through a study of Michel Foucault's The History of Sexuality Vol. 1: The Will to Knowledge which has had such a wide-ranging influence on queer theory and sexuality studies. The History of Sexuality Vol. 1 and subsequent research related to it will be examined from the perspective of how contemporary sexuality studies not only confront but also resist the concept of "sexuality" presented by Foucault. The analysis shall then be used to elucidate the characteristics of sexuality studies and the theoretical limits that arisefrom them. This paper focuses on the functions of Foucault's discourse on "sexuality" and defines it as "latent" and "dangerous," for it is based on an idea of sexuality that is closely associated with power. Along with interpretations of a wide range of sexuality theories, a hypothesis is presented here: the politics of contemporary sexuality studiescan arguably be seen in their production of discourses that oppose this "latent" and"dangerous" nature of "sexuality" in the realms of individual personality, relationships and the state.
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.5, pp.23-43, 2010-03-31

This paper explores the potential of female female impersonation by examiningthe nature of gender performativity as not necessarily being interlocked with gendercrossing. This issue is studied in light of the desire for gender identification by femme lesbians, particularly high femmes.Since the 1990s, there has been increasing attention on the subversive potential ofgender crossing subject in both queer theory and post-structuralist feminist theory. However, femme lesbians have not only tended to be overlooked in this regard, but rendered "invisible" due to the fact that they "look straight."This paper examines how high femmes do not try to resolve this conflict but in factmaintain it, while still holding onto their "fem(me)ininity" in their strong desire for gender identification. The issue is explored through a study of high femme narratives and considered in light of Kaja Silverman's concept of "identity-at-a-distance."
ALZATE Juliana Buritica
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.10, pp.133-157, 2015

この論文は、フェミニスト障害学を通して、身体肯定と自己肯定の関連における相互信頼(interdependence)の問題について論じる。著者は「倫理の想像力」の概念に目を向けつつ、障害のある身体の経験に対して関心を持っており、このアプローチが、身体を恥じることから身体を肯定することへの文化的態度の変化という提案して大きく寄与することを論じる。 相互依存に対する肯定的な視点は、身体についての肯定的なイメージと自己肯定のより高い感覚を明るみに出す。相互依存の概念は次の三つのセクションで論じる。第一のセクションでは、間主観性の概念について明らかにし、身体と自己の間に生じる断裂を修復することに焦点を当てる。第二のセクションでは互恵関係とケアの概念について論じ、自立という理想に挑む。第三のセクションでは、自らの身体を肯定することおよび自尊心の観念と照らし合わせ、相互依存の概念について論じる。 相互依存は、障害者にも健常者にも影響を与えるもので、自立と自己充足の神話を解体する鍵となる語である。フェミニズムの障害学的視点からすると、我々は自由のしるしとしての自立の概念について再検討することが推奨される。相互依存は、自らの身体を肯定することと自尊心に対する一つのアプローチとして考えられる。相互依存を受け入れることは自分の弱さを受け入れることである。 身体障害者の経験から得られる重要な教訓とは、自己受容、ケア、そして他者の受容という三者の関係性や、身体は決して単独で存在しないという事実を含んでいる。つまり、相互に信頼しあうこととは、我々が関わりあう主体としての他者のことを慮るよう我々に促すものである。他者と関わりあうという行為は、団結と互恵モデルにとって決定的なものである。ゆえに、相互依存は我々を身体肯定と自己肯定に近づける。
平森 大規
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.10, pp.91-118, 2015

This research analyzes the effect of being a sexual and/or genderminority on income, and the effect of discriminatory language andbehavior toward sexual and gender minorities in the workplace onwillingness to continue working. Utilizing the "Survey on LGBT Issues in theWorkplace Environment 2014" conducted by Nijiiro Diversity, a nonprofitorganization, the multiple regression analyses reveal that being a minorityin terms of sexual orientation and being a transgender individual haveeffects on income, without control variables. With control variables, theassociation between income and identifying as lesbian or gay, identifyingas bisexual when gender at birth was male, or being a transgenderindividual whose gender at birth was female became insignificant.However, even after controlling other variables, being a bisexual whosegender at birth was female, being a transgender whose assigned gender atbirth was male, and possessing other sexual orientations had negativeeffects on income. This suggests that economic discrimination againstsexual and gender minorities affects various categories of sexual andgender minorities differently. Further, findings indicate that the existenceof discriminatory language and behavior toward sexual and genderminorities in the workplace has a negative effect on willingness to continueworking. As this paper used a web survey, the conclusions should not beovergeneralized.